Tuesday, 14 September 2010

W.A.V.E. 2010 Private View World Art College Vision Exchange

W.A.V.E.(World Art College Vision Exchange) has been celebrating excellence in art & design by administering a number of exhibitions, conferences, and worshops to exchange Visual Art and Culture experiences and thoughts of Art & design students and professors in Korea and England since 2005. W.A.V.E. is now into its 6th year, providing a showcase of work from students and staff from four participating institutions, EWHA Woman's University, Seoul, Cardiff School of Art & Design, University of Alberta, Canada and Camberwell,Chelsea Wimbledon Colleges (CCW), University of the Arts London. This year will see CCW hosting the exhibition to be held at Wimbledon space in September 2010. The exhibition will include work from all four particicpating institutions. The theme for WAVE 2010 is Borders and Edges.

This picture 'Greed' was rescued from the bin I originally made it for the Red Road exhibition and not liking it threw it onto the scrap heap. My friend came round picked it up and said how much she liked it convinced me to keep it. I did reluctantly, and put it in an out of the way obscure place in the exhibit. It is now on it's fourth exhibition and is the most talked about and admired piece from all of my pictures.......just shows you don't through your crap out. I find also when making costumes it is always the costume that I dislike making the most that turns into my best work. This has made me think about the outtake concept all the stuff that gets thrown.... has a life of it's own.

Transitional Identity (Daytime)

Doing Transitional Identity in the daylight was a very different experience. It seemed to work much better in the night, more atmosphere especially in the gateway lodge the darkness enveloped you and made it feel more cosy. One comment on the night was that I had created a moment for people to experience. People's experience in the day was that the wind added to the audio of a native legend being played inside. Made them feel like they were really in the forest.

Transitional Identity

Transitional Identity was an ettempt at exploring by bringing people's attention to their daily cultural influences around them. That struggle with the delicate balance of crossing influences from one culture to another, without misrepresentation, creating a unique fusion of transitional identity within my own creative practice.

The audience became the performance by merely being in the space. Being exposed to different cultures simultaneously from different foods, snacks, smells of cooking. And then watching clips on dvd of other goings on from previous days.

Then finally having an experience within the gateway lodge, transporting them to another time and place.

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

John Trudell

"We must go beyond the arrogance of human rights. We must go beyond the ignorance of civil rights. We must step into the reality of natural rights because all of the natural world has a right to existence and we are only a small part of it. There can be no trade-off."
-John Trudell